2023 Inifinity Whiplash 14 * 21 Hollow Carbon review and compare to SB Sprint

 I was able to get a good few hours in varied conditions on a new Hollow Infinity Whiplash 14 long by 21 wide board. My primary board is a Starboard Sprint 14*19.75 so I did not have to get used to the balance as it is wider and more stable.

Dimensions which really make a difference are as follows:  Internal Standing area Seems to be about 1-2cm higher than my Sprint. The nose is considerably narrower as part of the new designs which seem to be following the old Speedboards and sailboats. The tail and midsection are wide compared to my Sprint.

Stability: This board has great primary and secondary stability and in a pivot turn that only increases as the rear is so wide.

Pitch: Just like the Sprint this board is very stable not only in rolling but front to back pitch stability. The board seems to just make small 6-9 inch waves disappear with barely moving the board up and down. Larger waves will have the front punching through but since it does not have a lot of front volume larger waves will come in the cockpit.

Flatwater Speed: This is comparable speed to my Sprint but it is easier to get to the speed as it is lighter. I did back to back 9:45 miles in crosswinds and light chop so this is definitely a fast board and may be faster than my Sprint. 

Upwinding: I was in a 1-2 foot wave upwinder and it was very good and fast. More water comes over the front and it does not pop up as much as my Sprint but speed was not hindered.

Downwinding: The light weight and wide tail was great in the downwinds and I found the speed about the same if not faster then the Sprint.

Sidewinds/sidechop:  Compared to my Sprint this is a dream in Sidewind and chop. The bow height is lower so it does not get caught by the wind as much so its much easier to paddle in these conditions.

Boat wake: This board is easy to control in wakes and odd waves.

Pivot turns: The rear end design is great for stability in pivot turns and it spins very easily with the light weight.

Sprints: The speed is comparable to my Sprint at 8-9 MPH but the number of strokes to get to that speed is reduced.

Stiffness: This board is equal to my Sprint in Stiffness

Overall: This is a great board and it is fast and it is a great board. I am considering getting one but there are a few things that do bug me. One is the position of the FCS mount on the top deck is way to far back for a Speedcoach so I would have to mount it with a stick on mount that would be set and also angled to one side as there is no flat to stick it to on the center of the deck. The other thing is the rear design. It may be fast but it is not as pleasing to the eye from what I am used to.

My Stats:  I am 5'9" and 155lbs. Race pace for me is about 6.1-6.4 MPH. Cruising speed is about 5.6-5.8 mph I paddle about 2100-2200 miles per year.


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