Nelo Lightboardcorp Signature 2.0 14 * 23 and 24.5 review

 Finally got to try some Nelo Lightboard Corp Signature 2 boards. Tried both the 24.5 and 23.

Tried the 24.5 first and found primary stability to be pretty well non existent and secondary to be pretty good. The lightness was instantly felt with the first strokes and acceleration is incredible. It was the fastest sprinting board I have ever been on. The light weight also makes steering ver6 easy as a quick draw with the paddle will quickly move the nose to the side. I could paddle on one side all day on the board. Top speed average was pretty good at around 5.8 mph. Felt good enough on this board to go into one meter waves within 10 minutes.   Going upwind was interesting as the light front would get pushed around a bit and the feel and sounds from the hollow construction were odd. It was not bad on the waves but I would need more work to be able to catch the Bumps as I was still rolling to much to put the power down to catch the waves. Overall I like the board but it was not fast enough on average to make me want to switch.

Now for the 23. I can say for sure that this board is fast. Easily able to get into the over 6 mph average on flat water and sprints into 9mph are possible. The issue is there is again almost no primary stability but also almost no secondary so I did not go out in the waves. I also was sinking the board to the standing area so tak8ng water in every slight tip and I am 150 lbs. Not a board that I would like for cold water and also not a board I could easily use in chop or waves without a lot of practice. One other note is due to the sides design as they get wider as they go down I was really cramped and found my feet pressing ver6 hard on the sides as I was trying to get my feet wider. This was not really an issue on the 24.5 just the 23. Also these were newer boards and had the pads all the way to the sides so at least I had padding.

So the next question is would I buy one? The answer is “I do not think so” the 23 is the speed I want but it was not stable enough compared  to other boards on the market. I think they need some straiter and higher rails with a side which allows for a wider stance before I would get one.


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